Instant Gratification & Sh**tastic Food

Beijing is not a good place for a person with poor impulse control. To be exact, it is not a good place for a foreigner with said problem, as most students and people my age live with family and observe social morays like women not drinking much (if ever), and, you know, sharing their food. For spoiled laowai like myself, kind of like Vegas—where I lived before—it’s host to a wealth of conveniences that can kill a girl, or at least add weight and sloth to her frame. At least in Vegas, you had to get in your car and … Continue reading Instant Gratification & Sh**tastic Food

Not to be confused with upright conduct (高行), which is not the point.

高 兴, or gāoxīng (in Pinyin), is Chinese for “happy,” and my initials are A.J.  Voíla! I currently live in China and generally like to be happy, like most of humanity. I’ve been kitsching about this whole idea for awhile, but have been somewhat unhappy because I’ve been hiding my thoughts on my laptop.  For years.  I mean, I published some nice, cute posts about travel or paying down debt–things which occasionally hit high points–but for the most part, I haven’t said much worth sharing. I grew up in a conservative, evangelical home, and after my parents divorced, I threw … Continue reading Not to be confused with upright conduct (高行), which is not the point.